Friends of Windmill Point - Job Details
Posted: Feb 07, 2025
Expires: Mar 07, 2025
“Battle of the Windmill”
Summer Student Job Description Details (2025)
Do you have a passion for local history? Are you interested in learning about the “Battle of the Windmill” and bringing this history to life for others? Local residents and tourists from around the world visit this historic battleground each year. Are you an outgoing, self-motivated individual eager to meet the public and describe the events of 1838 that took place in and around this five story stone tower? You must be entering, or returning to, college or university in the fall. Your main focus will be sharing the history of the area. Additional duties involve merchandise sales, cleaning, clerical, handling cash and reporting to the Board of Directors. The site is operated by the group “Friends of Windmill Point.” For complete details of this awesome summer job contact Jim or Renee DEVENNY at 343 250-0158 and send your resume to:
Work Schedule and Pay:
Employment will commence June, 07 2025, weekends only. Full time, starting on July 01, 2025. Last work day will be August 31, 2025. NOTE: Tues. /Wed. are normal days off- Since the site will be open Canada Day, employees will be paid double time for working on a Stat. Holiday.
The Windmill will be open, and ready for visitors, at 10:00AM. Doors will close to visitors at 5:00PM. You will be paid for seven hours per day. The Windmill will not be closed for lunch or coffee breaks.
The site is open 5 days a week. (Thursday-Monday, closed Tuesday & Wednesday) Pay will be at the rate of $18.20 dollars / hour (Canadian). Payment will be by check, every second week.
You must be returning to, or entering, a college or University in the fall.
You will be provided with a book on the history of the site. Prior to starting work you should have a rudimentary knowledge of the history of the site.
Transportation to and from the Windmill site is your responsibility.
Absence from work- You must give your Board Supervisor at least two days’ notice when requesting a change to your work schedule.
Site Information
There is no heating or air conditioning in the Windmill structure. The tower consists of five levels, accessed by stairs. You will need to ascend the stairs three to four times a day. The washroom is an external outhouse structure.
Overview of duties
You will act as the site interpreter, explaining the history of the Windmill and the site to visitors. You are expected to greet, and engage, any visitors to the site. Introduce yourself and answer any of their questions. You will direct their attention to the various signboards and displays. There is a video presentation in either French or English that you will need to stop / start as appropriate. There are adults and children from around the globe that visit this site. For a number of visitors English is not their first language.
There are various items for sale. You are responsible for completing sales, giving change and keeping a record of merchandise sales.
Once you have learned the duties of your position, there is no daily supervision. You are the face of the Windmill to the public. You need to be a self- starter, outgoing, problem solving individual. A Board member will visit the site on an irregular basis to ensure that you have no concerns or challenges. A phone list of Board members is available to you, and you are free to call at any time if there are any problems.
Daily Responsibilities
Ensure the bathroom is open, clean and stocked.
The main floor of the tower should be swept, counters and chairs wiped down and dusted.
Upper three floors clean as required.
Sales area to be stocked, organized and cleaned.
Brush dust etc. off “dress up” jackets.
Second floor display cases to be dusted and floor swept.
Complete information sheet daily.
Carry out daily reconciliation of cash.
Pick up any garbage on the grounds near the tower.
At least twice a day, and at closing, check all windows and general condition of Windmill on all floors.
At closing, ensure TV and DVD are off; toilet door is locked; all lights are off; cash box is concealed; no one is left in the tower and doors are properly locked.
Forward your Resume to :
Questions? Call 343 250-0158 Jim or Renee DEVENNY